Winchester 348 unprimed brass 50 of NEW | 50.00 |
NDFS 577S brass 10 of NEW | 50.00 |
Magtech 20 gauge brass cases 25 of | 17.00 |
Magtech 12 gauge brass cases 25 of | 20.00 |
8 x 50R French Lebel brass 20 of NEW | 55.00 |
11mm French revolver ( from 44 S&W spl brass) 50 of NEW | 10.00 |
8x57 JS Sellier & Bellot brass 20 of NEW | 13.70 |
44 Russian brass 50 of NEW | 10.00 |
Lee 455 carbide dies NEW | 43.50 |
Lee ball cutter S/H | 5.00 |
Lee 45 ACP case length gauge | 1.00 |
Lee expanders S/H | 5.00 |
Lee 44 decapping die S/H | 5.00 |
Lee 38/357 decapping die S/H | 5.00 |
Lee shell holders 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, | 1.00 each |
Lee auto prime shell holders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,19 | 1.00 each |
Lee rifle charging die S/H | 5.00 |
RCBS Rock Chucker supreme master reloading kit NEW unopened box | 585.00 |
RCBS shell holders No 2, 6, 12, 18, 24 | 1.00 each |
LEE Auto disc powder measure, complete with 4 discs #90578 Boxed S/H | 15.00 |
Target sling S/H | 10.00 |
| |
Cabelas loading blocks 45 cal s/h | 10.00 |
Cabelas loading blocks 50 cal s/h | 10.00 |
S&B 380 browning / 9mm heads 92g FMJ 100 of | 10.00 |
Bertram 43 Mauser brass new 20 of | 60.00 |
Bertram 11 x 59 French Gras new 20 of
| 80.00 |
Bertram 43 Egyptian new 20 of | 80.00 |
Bertram 577S new 20 of | 100.00 |
Winchester 300 Win Mag new 50 of | 50.00 |
NDFS 577S brass new 10 of | 50.00 |
| |
Lee 7-08 decapper & seater | 5.00 |
Lee dies 308 seater s/h | 5.00 |
Lyman auto powder trickler #7832195 240V (this model is with out the scale) | 20.00 |
Lee bullet mould with handles new .309 cal 160g #90367 | 18.00 |
Lee bullet mould with handles new .429 cal 240g #90338 | 19.00 |
Lee bullet mould with handles new .314 cal 85g #90296 | 17.00 |
Lee bullet mould with handles new .490 cal 176g #90448 | 17.00 |
Lead ladle used | 5.00 |
Winchester 220 Swift brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
RWS 5.6 x 57R brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
RWS 5.6 x 57 brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
RWS 8 x 60S brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
RWS 8.15 x 46R brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
RWS 9.3 x 62 brass new 20 of | 15.00 |
| |
Red-i laser bore sighter 7x57 | 15.00 |
Red-i laser bore sighter 6.5 x 57 | 15.00 |